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Lucky Charm City

Oct 23, 2019

We're joined in this episode by DARK MARK JOYNER (Sidebar, Don't Stop Comedy) where we rip right into Gorilla Munch by Nature's Path Envirokids, get into a news story about a cereal rampage plus he helps us review both Gorilla Munch and Multi-Bran Flakes with ONYX Sorghum by Grain Berry. this is a HOT cast

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Oct 11, 2019

We're joined in studio by UMAR KHAN (DC Improv, Gin & Jokes) for a walkthrough of Umar's cereal history, a look at cereal beers and he helps us review the "new" re-release of Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Cereal

Follow us on Twitter: @cwhudson @wokeandbaked @Umar_A_Khan

And Instagram: @chriees @bentleygoestospace @umarkhan821